
TeamLogic IT surpasses 250 offices across the country and continues to rank as a top managed services provider and fast-growing franchise. Sir Speedy, PIP and Signal Graphics continue to be [...]


Sir Speedy, PIP and Signal Graphics enter the signage market. TeamLogic IT changes its strategy to comprehensive managed IT services and reaches a franchise milestone of 100 units across North [...]


Sir Speedy is named the fastest growing franchise in the country and is then purchased by Kampgrounds of America (KOA) in 1977.  KOA appoints its CEO Don Lowe to lead the company, which then [...]


Sir Speedy and PIP roll out Web-to-Print services–the first to do so in the printing industry. FSI purchases the Signal Graphics network of digital printing centers, strengthening the [...]


Franchise Services, Inc. (FSI) is formed to operate and manage the Sir Speedy franchise network and family of brands. FSI formed the backbone of its global network, and became the first in the [...]


Sir Speedy launches a new ad campaign to position the stores to serve the needs of business customers. Sir Speedy is the first to introduce a nationwide network of fax machines and color copiers [...]


PIP is founded in 1965 by Bill LeVine as a “while you wait” print center, and the first three PIP franchise locations are opened in Los Angeles, Calif. in 1968.  Sir Speedy also opens its first [...]